From the moment we sat down, Halle Hillman had me wanting to screenshot everything she shared with me. From tips to gain, to how to maintain my energy throughout the day, to why she feels so passionately about her personal calling in life; Halle truly is a gift to the Charlotte community. Halle’s desire to plant seeds of knowledge into everyone she encounters suits her cheerleader personality. Read on to capture your own seeds of truth. You can find Halle coaching at Orange Theory Midtown throughout the week.
Photo credit: Dani Nicole Photography
What brought you to Charlotte?
I’m from Fort Mill - so not too far from here. I lived in Charleston for a few years and missed the city feel. I’m really drawn to the hospitality of Charlotte; I think most of us who live here were drawn here. What do you mean by drawn here? The people here are fantastic. There are so many people who believe in you. There is something about this city that makes you feel like you’re at home anywhere you go or with anyone you meet. Yes. I totally get that vibe too! So, what are some of your favorite things to do?
Oh, it’s hard to pick! I love walking around Uptown and SouthEnd. It seems like there’s something new every month - the growth here is amazing. I walked up to Romare Bearden Park the other day. I’d never been and it’s very cool. That’s the thing; Charlotte is constantly growing! So, Halle, when you’re not exploring our city, what do you do? I’m a personal trainer and also head coach at Orange Theory Midtown. It’s very important you also include this fact: I’m a dog mom!
I’m really leaning into my space as a wellness influencer. A lot of people like what I’m saying and how I’m saying it. It’s a newer area for me to be public about but something I’ve been living for a long time.
Okay, then let’s dive into the wellness influencer part of you. What does that mean? Wellness is really about the mix between food and life. It’s not just what you put in your body, whether that’s food, drink, vitamins, ect. Those are really important. But, wellness is also what you do on a daily basis. How much stress you’re experiencing. The gratitude you’re expressing. Your sleep schedule. The amount of time you’re on social media. Your work environment. All of these outside stimuli impact your wellness. Do you have practices you do for wellness? I have a morning routine that does not change. I wake up with my dog, Hank, then brush my teeth and tongue scrape (very important for digestive issues). This is different from JUST brushing my teeth. It’s important for me to get some sun in the morning while I let Hank out. Getting natural light gives natural energy. The sun gives off what you need to kick start your system to get that extra motivation. Once I’m back inside, I make a bulletproof matcha with a lot of healthy fats. I add cow butter, brain octane oil, and collagen powder. I also drink room temperature water with lemon - room temperature water helps with digestive issues. I also don’t look at my phone the first hour I’m awake. I’ve changed that in the last year. My anxiety has gone down so much. When I get on the phone it becomes about other people. I set my intentions early in the morning in oder to become centered and focused for the rest of the day. Our mornings set the tone for the day. Throughout the day, it’s not just about what we put in our body. We also need to mentally check in with ourselves; be active and present.
What is a mental check-in? Asking myself questions… Why am I doing what I’m doing? Should I be checking in with other people? Am I going to post this? Do I feel like no one is going to read this? Does it matter if no one reads it? It’s questioning my intentions and a lot of self-evaluation. It’s being present and open to other options. I’m also praying a lot. My faith is not a formal thing – I just like bringing God into the equation.
I dig it! You mentioned you’re an Orange Theory coach. What is Orange Theory? Orange Theory is a one hour full-body HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout. Basically, our clients get the best of all worlds - strength training mixed with cardio. They also get to build a great community. And what is the Head Coach’s responsibility? I’m the go-to person for all things fitness at OT Midtown. I make the schedules, I ensure everything looks and feels the OT way, and I develop the other coaches. As a coach and personal trainer, where are you seeing people be really motivated? Now, more than ever, people are understanding the significance of feeding their body the right way. People want to know how to be healthier but they don’t know how to get there. People want it in laymen’s terms. Reading a book about it all can be laborious if you aren’t in the industry. I’m real with people about living a wellness-focused life. Wellness isn’t about being perfect; it’s about feeding your body and being happier in your own skin. Are you taking on new clients? I am! I can be reached through my Instagram or email, What do you do for fun? Is there time? I love taking my dog around the town. My parents live near here. I’m a full-time student. I love reading and listening to other people. What are you reading right now? Aubrey Marcus’s Own the Day, Own Your Life: little practices to help you have the best day every day. My favorite is “getting up and getting sunlight.” I feel so much clearer and aware when I practice this. You provide a lot of positivity and momentum for others. Why do you do what you do? I’m fueled by my mistakes. You don’t mature with age. You mature with damage. A few years back, I went through an extremely hard time, including an abusive relationship, a DUI, and my family being ripped apart. All of that taught me appreciation and how to live the best life you can live now. I learned not to wait until it’s too late. Fitness was my outlet during that time. I knew I could go into the gym. Make my own food. And I could be in control of my situation. This is when I knew that wellness wasn’t just what you put in your body. It’s mental and emotional states too. True. That’s a great note to end on. Now, our readers want to know what’s your favorite...? Restaurant: O-Ku Coffee: Coco and the Director Sports team: Panthers TV show: The 100 (don’t worry, I close my eyes during the gory stuff) Movie: Seven Pounds Book: Primal Leadership by Daniel Goldman Place to work out: Orange Theory App: Instagram New thing in CLT: Whole Foods Uptown Old thing in CLT: Lupies Café
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