People of Charlotte, please meet Michele Mattox of No Limits Counseling. Michele provides mental health services and life skills training for teens and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, specializing in Down syndrome. Michele's mission is to empower minds for greater independence.
Now let's get to know Michele's story!
Not many people are from Charlotte...are you?
I’m a native Charlottean…minus a few years in Wilmington, East Lansing, MI, and Raleigh…I’ve been here my whole life.
You have a strong sense of compassion for those with disabilities. When did you awaken to your purpose or calling in life?
For half my life, I have been involved with individuals with intellectual disabilities in some way. My favorite job was when I was in grad school—I worked full-time as a teacher’s assistant in a life skills classroom with teens and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Since that job, I have tried to get back to that “happy social work job” of doing what I love.
Everyone can benefit from being heard, no matter their intellectual capacity.
How has COVID inspired you to uncover new opportunities to help others?
The bright light during this COVID-19 pandemic has been leading virtual therapeutic and social skills groups for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte and The Next Step Clubhouse. It was during this time that it was made clear to me that there is a need for mental health counseling for this population, specifically for individuals with Down syndrome. I recently opened a virtual private practice, No Limits Counseling, providing mental health counseling and life skills training to teens and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities. I specialize in working with people with Down syndrome, as this is a group often overlooked or thought of as not being able to benefit from mental health counseling. Everyone can benefit from being heard, no matter their intellectual capacity.
How do you stay so positive?
After 4 years of volunteering with various special needs organizations in Charlotte, my day was always made brighter after spending time with people with special abilities. My goal is to help my clients be as happy in their daily lives as they have made mine.
Michele can be reached at 910-632-4837 or at nolimitslcsw@gmail.com
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