Just a few more weeks until the start of 11 weeks of a long summer vacation for Charlotte Mecklenburg School (CMS) students. CMS has estimated that 33,000 of their 48,000 students in grades K – 3 will not be exposed to a reading program over the summer. How can you help?
At Learning Help Centers of Charlotte, we are gearing up to address the "summer slide." That's another term for reading loss for at-risk children of working class families, perhaps where English is not spoken at home. We also do other fun stuff like teach them to swim and play soccer. We also feed ‘em two meals a day, so that kids can have fun and enjoy healthy meals, even when they are away from school.
Would you kindly consider a $50 sponsorship for a young reader per week, and make a difference for a child from a high poverty school?
To make a donation or get more information, please visit our website.
Thank you for your kind support of our families in inner city Charlotte.